Male Body Contouring Expert in Raleigh, North Carolina*
- Age18 - 29
- GenderMale
- EthnicityWhite
- HeightOver 6’ 0”
- WeightOver 250 lbs
- After Weight Loss Surgery-Men
- abdominoplasty
- Body Reshaping
- Gynecomastia reduction
- Large Male Breast
- Male Breast Reduction
- Men boobs
- Gynecomastia surgery
- male plastic surgery
- Male Chest Contouring
- gynecomastia resection
- bilateral gynecomasia
- Male body contouring
- side boobs
- lateral bra roll
- male abdominoplasty
- body contouring-men
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Male patients who had seen weight fluctuations or even large amount of weight loss after bariatric surgery do often come in for consideration of body contouring, although not as frequently as women. Primary concerns for male patients include breast enlargement and abdominal skin excess as well as stubborn fat deposits. This young patient had areas of unusual excess fatty growth which were made worse after he has lost some weight. He was very large, at 6 foot 11 inches and over 400 pounds- he came from a family of a large men. However, at age 25, he was concerned about excess skin and fat that would occur with more weight loss. His primary concern was a large amount of excess adipose tissue in the lateral axillary area also known as the bra roll or lateral breast. The central breasts themselves were not terribly enlarged. He also had an abdominal pannus that made it hard for him to fit comfortably in clothing. He was very active and found these areas of excess limiting his participation in sports and on his job. Because of his massive size his operation was performed in a hospital setting, but as an outpatient. He had lateral breast reduction/ bra roll lift as well as an abdominoplasty. These areas would not be conducive to liposuction as deflating these areas would leave him with even more rolls of excess skin. He had large amounts of skin and fat removed from these areas with resulting reduction in these rolls and improved body contour.