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Neck lift in Male Patient in Raleigh, North Carolina*

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Many male patients have major concerns about the appearance of their neck. They may do not have significant concerns about facial aging and when advised to have a facelift are often reluctant. They are concerned about scarring in front of the ear. In many instances, face lifting is ideal to address not only the loose skin of the neck but also the jowl and descent of cheek tissue This 64-year-old gentleman wanted improvements in his neck but really did not want a facelift. He wore his hair short and was concerned about visibility of scarring in front of his ear. He had significant skin and fatty deposits in his neck. He did undergo an open neck lift which involved incisions under the chin behind the ear and into the hairline. In patients with significant laxity there is a limitation to how much skin can be actually removed. The patient had repair of the platysma muscles with removal of excess fat and excess skin. His initial result showed improvement however he still had excess skin in the midline of his neck which was a result of not having full facelift. Ultimately, he had a direct excision of this excess skin under local anesthetic. His scar has healed very well and were minimally noticeable. Generally this type of procedure is well-tolerated in male patients as their scars tend to be hidden in their whisker growth. There are many options in neck rejuvenation for men ranging from liposuction alone to full facelift. Contact 919-307-8585 to find out.

Male necklift, Raleigh



Male necklift, Raleigh



Male necklift, Raleigh



Male necklift, Raleigh

Male necklift, Raleigh



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.