Gynecomastia Treatment with VASER In North Carolina*
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This 22-year-old man noticed enlargement of both breasts after taking an over-the-counter supplement that was reported to improve muscle mass. He had been working out and hopeful to improve his results. He noted discomfort in the breasts and then enlargement. On exam initially it did not appear that he had gynecomastia as he had a fairly muscular appearance however closer exam reveals that some of his pectoralis anatomy really had some fibrofatty tissue under both nipples and in spreading for several inches around the nipple. The patient noted this and tightening shirts and when he was working out and was self-conscious about it. He underwent Vaser assisted liposuction of both breasts with some direct removal of breast tissue directly under the nipple. The Vaser device is more effective and male gynecomastia as it shatters fat within the gland and allows for more effective removal. Breast tissue itself is very difficult to remove with liposuction as it is very fibrous. Specialized cannulas are necessary and direct excision sometimes by avulsion is necessary to remove the last remnants of palpable breast tissue. He had a very nice improvement with this procedure and felt more confident in tighter fitting T-shirts and while working out. There are several drugs or supplements that may cause gynecomastia including illicit drugs like marijuana and heroin, anabolic steroids or steroid analogues which are frequently found in dietary supplements to build muscle mass.