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Unilateral Gynecomastia Treated with Hybrid Technique, Raleigh,NC

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Gynecomastia is a relatively common condition that a large percentage of boys experience during puberty. The majority of patients see resolution of this problems with maturity. A smaller percentage of patients will have ongoing breast enlargement. Gynecomastia can also occur in patients with significant weight changes to the point where the male breast will look like a female's fully developed breast in the worst cases. The cause of gynecomastia is felt to be hormonal changes affecting breast growth. All men have breast tissue and are even susceptible to developing breast cancer, albeit at a much smaller percentage than women. Although there are some medical conditions that could lead to this problem and some drug interactions which cause it, the majority are considered idiopathic-or unknown causes but likely related to hormonal changes.
This 31-year-old gentleman had unilateral gynecomastia which never bothered him too much as he was younger but with aging it got somewhat worse. He underwent mastectomy to remove glandular elements. He had a hybrid technique which utilizes Vaser assisted liposuction to contour the chest and then direct excision of the remaining gland through an infra-areola incision. Some patients can have liposuction alone especially breast tissue which is intermingled with fatty tissue however patients with significant glandular only element have very tough fibrous tissue which cannot be completely extracted efficiently with liposuction

Gynecomastia, Raleigh, NC



Gynecomastia, Raleigh, NC



Gynecomastia, Raleigh, NC



About Gynecomastia Surgery

Dr. Lyle offers Gynecomastia surgery to reduce excess breast tissue in men, creating a flatter and more masculine chest contour. This procedure may involve liposuction, glandular tissue removal, or a combination of both.

Find out more about Gynecomastia surgery and visit our Gynecomastia before and after photo gallery.

Meet Dr Lyle - Plastic Surgeon in Raleigh NC

 Meet Dr Lyle - Plastic Surgeon in Raleigh NC - Dr Glenn Lyle HeadshotDr. Glenn Lyle is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Raleigh, NC community at Lyle Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics Center since 2002. With over 30 years of experience, he specializes in breast surgery and body contouring, to enhance patients' appearance after weight loss, pregnancy, and the effects of aging. 

Dr. Lyle completed his medical degree at Wayne State University School of Medicine, followed by a general surgery residency at the University of Massachusetts and a plastic surgery residency at the University of Texas Medical Branch.

He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The Aesthetic Society (Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons society).

Throughout his career, Dr. Lyle has contributed to the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery through research, publications, and presentations at national meetings. His practice emphasizes patient safety and personalized care to achieve natural results.

Next Steps

To find out more about our procedure price ranges – visit the pricing page – please note that our practice no longer takes insurance patients. We can help you find low-interest medical financing to make your surgery more affordable.

If you’re considering surgery in Raleigh NC and want personalized advice about your suitability, recovery, risks and results, I’d be happy to meet with you for a consultation.

Let’s work together to help you achieve your best results—safely and beautifully.

To make an inquiry or book a consultation please fill in the contact form or phone the office on  919 307 85 85.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.