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Double Chin Treated with Vaser Liposuction, North Carolina

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Submental fat deposits and generalized fatty neck are a major concern for patients desiring cosmetic improvements. Options include minimally invasive procedures such as Kybella, Facetite, Ultherapy, etc. can be quite effective. More invasive procedures can include liposuction alone or in conjunction with energy devices or even neck lift. Each patient's treatment plan has too be individualized and is decided by analyzing anatomy, skin tone and patient's age.

This 35-year-old woman desired reduction of fat of her neck. She had reasonable skin tone so she underwent Vaser Liposuction of the neck in conjunction with other procedures. The Vaser device emulsifies fat with ultrasonic energy and then the fat still has to be removed with standard liposuction techniques. The Vaser device does impart some degree of skin tightening which is an advantage over standard liposuction. In some cases, additional radiofrequency energy devices such as Renuvion or Facetite are added. Radiofrequency microneedling- made the necessary after the procedure. Over resection of fat can lead to skeletonizing the neck and exposure of muscle bands and loose skin so conservative liposuction is recommended. This patient only had about 25 cc of fat removed but her contour improved considerably. . Results are not immediate intake sometimes months for the skin tightening to become fully apparent.

Neck Liposuction, Raleigh, NC



Neck Liposuction, Raleigh, NC



Neck Liposuction, Raleigh, NC



Neck Liposuction, Raleigh, NC



About Neck Lift

Dr. Lyle offers Neck Lift surgery to tighten sagging skin, reduce wrinkles, and improve the definition of the jawline and neck. This procedure addresses excess skin, fat, and muscle laxity, restoring a youthful and contoured appearance. It can be performed alone or combined with other facial procedures for enhanced results.

Find out more about Neck Lift surgery and visit our Neck Lift before and after photo gallery.

Meet Dr Lyle - Plastic Surgeon in Raleigh NC

 Meet Dr Lyle - Plastic Surgeon in Raleigh NC - Dr Glenn Lyle HeadshotDr. Glenn Lyle is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Raleigh, NC community at Lyle Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics Center since 2002. With over 30 years of experience, he specializes in breast surgery and body contouring, to enhance patients' appearance after weight loss, pregnancy, and the effects of aging. 

Dr. Lyle completed his medical degree at Wayne State University School of Medicine, followed by a general surgery residency at the University of Massachusetts and a plastic surgery residency at the University of Texas Medical Branch.

He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The Aesthetic Society (Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons society).

Throughout his career, Dr. Lyle has contributed to the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery through research, publications, and presentations at national meetings. His practice emphasizes patient safety and personalized care to achieve natural results.

Next Steps

To find out more about our procedure price ranges – visit the pricing page – please note that our practice no longer takes insurance patients. We can help you find low-interest medical financing to make your surgery more affordable.

If you’re considering surgery in Raleigh NC and want personalized advice about your suitability, recovery, risks and results, I’d be happy to meet with you for a consultation.

Let’s work together to help you achieve your best results—safely and beautifully.

To make an inquiry or book a consultation please fill in the contact form or phone the office on  919 307 85 85.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.