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Mini Facelift with Upper Blepharoplasty in Raleigh, NC*

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What is the difference between a mini facelift and a full facelift? . Mini facelift generally involves shorter incisions usually just in front of the earlobe and the ear and extending into the temple but usually do not go behind the ear or if so, minimally. Mini facelifts generally do not achieve significant improvement in neck appearance. The procedure is limited and ideal for patients wishing shorter down time and without need for extensive skin removal. This 51-year-old woman wanted a more refreshed look. She did not want to undergo a full facelift and was not terribly concerned about the appearance of her neck mostly her jowl and cheek area and her tired-appearing eyes. She underwent a mini facelift which was done with MACS lift technique which utilizes internal suspension sutures which elevate the soft tissues below the skin to achieve rejuvenation. Neck improvement is expected but not much in the central neck. The recovery is generally somewhat shorter with less dissection, no need for drainage tubes and less involved scarring. Results are also somewhat less than a full facelift . Limited skin removal is performed and usually in a vertical direction to elevate jowl. This patient had upper blepharoplasty as well which helped brighten her tired appearing upper eyelids. She is very pleased with the improvement. She recovered fairly quickly with minimally visible scarring in front of the ear

Mini Facelift, Raleigh, NC



Mini Facelift, Raleigh, NC



Mini Facelift, Raleigh, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.