Breast Reduction Relieves Back Pain*
- Age18 - 29
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityBlack
- Height5’ 0” - 5’ 5”
- Weight200 - 249 lbs
- Breast Reduction
- Macromastia
- Reduction Mammoplasty
- Breast Sagging
- Large Breast
- Back Pain
- Breast Hypertrophy
- Heavy Breasts
- Pendulous Breasts
- Neck Pain
- Female Breast Reduction
- Sagging Breasts
- Droopy Breasts
- droopy breast
- ptotic breast
- Reduction Mammaplasty
- Breast Rashes
- pendulous breast
- Shoulder Grooving
- Heavy Breast
- Wise Pattern
- inverted "T"
- Bilateral Breast Reduction
- shoulder groovings
- Bra Strap Grooving
- large breasts
- superiomedial pedicle
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This 24-year-old woman suffered from large breasts most of her early teen years into adulthood. She wore a 38H cup bra although she never found a bra that fit well. She suffered from neck, back pain and shoulder pain. She tried non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, support bras and physical therapy but it was obvious that none of these measures would have any lasting effect on her symptoms. She underwent bilateral breast reduction with removal of 3 pounds from her right side and almost 3 1/2 pounds from the left. She had immediate relief and now was able to exercise more with her smaller breasts. Insurance companies require evidence of measures used to alleviate these symptoms with anti-inflammatories, use of support bras and either chiropractic manipulation or physical therapy must be provided. In addition, the plastic surgeon has to determine the estimated weight of breast removed. This weight is on a sliding scale based on your body surface area called Schnurr criteria. (after Dr. Schnurr- a plastic surgeon who developed it). The larger your body surface area (similar to BMI)- the more tissue you need removed. This patient required 687 grams per breast, but her final breast weights were more than double that. At times the plastic surgeon can't remove the amount required (without making you too small and you have to pay 'out of pocket". Dr. Lyle no longer accepts insurance.