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Breast lift with absorbable mesh in Raleigh, NC*

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This 40 year old woman developed droopy enlarged breasts after having two children. She sought a smaller, more perky breast appearance. She underwent a bilateral full mastopexy ( breast lift) with a small amount of reduction ( 338 grams per breast). Because her tissues had lost elasticity, a resorbable mesh- Galaflex- was used to help secure the breast tissue in place internally. This was not palpable to the patient and helped to hold the healing breast tissue in place to prevent premature sagging. The mesh is absorbed by the body over about a year. This mesh is not always necessary but helpful with woman with particularly stretched out, loose tissue. In addition, the patient had a right axillary accessory breast which is an extra smaller amount of breast tissue present in the armpit area. This was excised with an incision hidden in the armpit. The patient was very pleased with her smaller, more youthful breasts.

Mastopexy with mesh, Raleigh



Mastopexy with Mesh, Raleigh



Mastopexy with mesh, Raleigh



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.