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Reasons for Breast Implant Removal: Deflation. Treated in Raleigh*

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Breast implant removal has become more popular in the last decade. There are a host of reasons for desiring removal. These include, concerns about leakage, capsular contracture, Pain in the breasts, implants feeling too large, implant deflation and concerns about health risks associated with breast implants. This 54-year-old woman had breast implants placed about 24 years ago. She had subglandular saline implants. She noted a right-sided breast deflation and felt that her breasts were too large. She had gained weight in the last 20 years and her breasts were now sagging. She decided to remove her implants and have a breast lift. During surgery, Dr. Lyle found a deflated 275 cc smooth walled saline device on the right side. The left side was normal. The implants were on top of the muscle and her breast tissue had sagged -creating ptosis. Dr. Lyle performed bilateral mastopexy and she had a very reasonable amount of tissue to preserve a breast size that was now lifted ,smaller and better shaped. She was very happy with the improvement. Performance of mastopexy at the time of implant removal is not always straight forward and careful respect for blood supply must be taken into account in performing safe surgery. Potential changes in nipple sensation and even loss of nipple are possibilities with this surgery. Implant deflation often prompts women to decide to just remove the implants. If they are sagging, breast lift as often recommended.

Breast Implant Removal, NC



Breast Implant Removal, NC



Breast Implant Removal, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.