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Implatn removal with breast lift performed in Raleigh, NC*

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This 67 year old woman had saline breast implants placed by another surgeon 20 years ago. She never felt comfortable with them and as she aged and gained weight- she felt her breasts were too large. She also had some capsular contracture causing discomfort. She originally had 450cc Textured implants placed above the muscle. She wanted them out with no replacement. Dr. Glenn Lyle removed them with capsules and performed a breast lift with the remaining breast tissue. This can be a challenging procedure because blood supply to the nipple may be compromised by prior breast implants. The patient did very well and was happy to have her implants removed. She was very pleased with her smaller lifted breasts.

Implant removal with lift



Implant removal with lift



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.