Augmentation Mastopexy for Tuberous Breast, Raleigh, NC*
- Age30 - 39
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityWhite
- Height5’ 6” - 6’ 0”
- Weight150 - 199 lbs
- Breast Augmentation + Lift
- Short Scar Breast Lift
- Breast Ptosis
- Vertical Breast Lift
- lollipop breast lift
- Breast droop
- Breast Lift with Implants
- Breast lift with augmentation
- Augmentation Mastopexy
- subpectoral implants
- breast asymmetry
- vertical mastopexy (lift).
- breast augmentation with lift
- Mastopexy
- saline breast implants
- tuberous breast deformity
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Augmentation mastopexy is a more difficult procedure than augmentation alone. It involves reduction and reshaping of some of the skin with elevation of the nipple while at the same time expanding the skin envelope. This patient is a 33-year-old mother of 2 who had gained some weight after pregnancy. She did lose volume in her breasts. She was never happy with her breast appearance even prior to pregnancy and noted down turn nipples even in her youth. She hoped to have improvement in volume and shape of her breast in a conservative fashion and desired saline breast augmentation. The patient had somewhat of a tuberous breast deformity which involves a tight constriction of the lower pole of the breast usually with some degree of breast droop. This is more difficult to correct with augmentation mastopexy. She underwent a vertical breast lift with subpectoral placement of smooth-walled saline implants. This incision also known as a lollipop type lift involves less incisions and then the standard inverted T scar mastopexy. The left side was a larger breast so she had a 375 cc Mentor smooth walled saline implant inflated to 395 cc. The right side was smaller and had a 375 cc implant inflated to 450 cc.