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Tummy tuck after Multiple Pregnancies and C Section, Raleigh, NC*

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Tummy tuck is one of the most popular procedures that women request after the adverse effects of pregnancy affects the appearance of the abdomen. The typical findings are of stretch marks, loose skin of the abdomen and a stretching of the fascial covering of the abdominal muscles causing a diastases rectus. Additional weight gains during pregnancy are very difficult to overcome even with weight loss,. Fat deposits are more stubborn and difficult to tone up or improve. Often, cesarean section scars are somewhat tethered and cause a shelf-like appearance or indentation which is very noticeable even in clothing. This 37-year-old mother of 3 had undergone C-section and gained up to 50 pounds during her pregnancies. She was able to lose most of it with each pregnancy but the after-effects; stretch marks ,looseness of the abdomen with diastases and with a indentation at the C-section site made her very unhappy. She also wished to have some improvement in some of the excess fatty tissue in her hip and lateral thigh. She underwent an abdominoplasty with liposuction of the flanks and lateral thigh. The entire C-section scar was removed and although she has a longer scar from the abdominoplasty, it is smoother and not indented and she has much better contours. She is very pleased with the improvements. Despite diet and exercise, the effects of pregnancy often cannot be overcome with these measures and abdominoplasty is often an appropriate solution

Abdominoplasty, NC



Abdominoplasty, NC



Abdominoplasty, NC



Abdominoplasty, NC



Abdominoplasty, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.