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Tummy Tuck Recovery Improved with Exercise*

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This 36-year--old woman desired improvements in her abdomen. She had 3 children and really had not done much exercise but was hopeful to start a regimen. Her large abdominal pannus prevented her from feeling comfortable while exercising. She underwent full abdominoplasty with liposuction of the flanks and abdomen. Her recovery was enhanced by using Exparel intraoperatively which reduces postoperative pain. She was changed from a abdominal binder to a stepdown compression garment at 1 week postoperative. Return to normal daily activities is encouraged over the next several weeks and is guided by the patient's individual recovery. Dr. Lyle encourages light exercises even a few weeks postoperative such as light arm weights, walking and even stretching exercises. After 4 weeks, patient's can start doing squats and lunges and even consider treadmill, exercise bike and even jogging depending on their wound healing and exercise tolerance. By 3 months, full exercises are encouraged. Sit-ups and formal abdominal work usually is reserved for the 3 month mark although light core exercises are encouraged at 6 weeks. The optimal result after abdominoplasty is a result of good surgical technique and planning as well as motivated patients willing to continue good exercise and dietary habits. Continued weight loss after abdominoplasty will result in long lasting results.

Tummy Tuck, NC



Tummy Tuck, NC



Tummy Tuck, NC



Tummy Tuck, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.