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Tummy Tuck on Slender Patient in Raleigh, NC*

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Some women present for abdominoplasty and appear to have minimal if any loose skin or excess fat. Careful analysis however frequently reveals loose skin as evidenced by noting an overhang of skin in the flexed position. Removing this excess skin during abdominoplasty requires table flexion and repair under tension. Liposuction during this procedure can be performed however must be done cautiously to avoid damaging the vital blood supply that ensures good healing of the incision. This 38-year-old woman had previous childbirth and had fairly well preserved abdomen. She spent a lot of time on her boat and at the beach and did not like the loose skin. She certainly was not overweight but did want to have improvement. She underwent abdominoplasty for removal of the lower pannus with some liposuction of her flanks. She was very happy with the result and desired some more improvement so she underwent additional Vaser liposuction to the back and additional work on her flanks a year later. Sometimes additional liposuction is desired or needed after recovery from tummy tuck It can be safely done during the initial surgery in some circumstances but overly aggressive liposuction has the potential for interference with proper blood flow to the healing incisions. Experienced plastic surgeons make this judgment during the initial consultation to ensure a safe procedure and outcome.

Abdominoplasty, Raleigh, NC



Abdominoplasty, Raleigh, NC



Abdominoplasty, Raleigh, NC



Abdominoplasty, Raleigh, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.