Upper thigh lift Can Be Effective for Limited Skin Excess, Raleigh, NC
- Age50 - 59
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityBlack
- Height5’ 0” - 5’ 5”
- Weight150 - 199 lbs
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Medial thigh surgery can be a challenging procedure. Many patients are concerned about the excess skin of their upper and medial thigh and seek liposuction in this area. Because of the thin skin and laxity, liposuction alone frequently causes contour deformities and overly aggressive liposuction is bound to leave excess skin. Vaser liposuction may help to tighten the skin and other modalities such as Renuvion can be helpful but patients with significant skin excess require excision. Thigh lifts can be extensive procedures such as vertical thigh lifts which extend all the way to the knee. The upper thigh lift sometimes called crescentic thigh lift or medial thigh lift involve removal of a limited amount of extra skin in the upper thigh which improves this area. This 52-year-old woman hated the bulging of the upper thigh. She underwent Vaser assisted liposuction of the upper medial thigh with limited skin excision which left her with a scar hidden under the bikini line with a small extension on the upper inner thigh that was not visible in shorts. . The patient was very happy with the improvements in this area. Generally upper thigh lifts provide modest improvement. The scar location is not ideal although it can be hidden with most shorts and bathing suits.