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Mommy Makeover Corrects the Consequences of Multiple Pregnancies, Raleigh, NC*

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This is the 30-year-old woman who had 3 pregnancies. She lost volume in her breasts and developed some degree of sagging and also had developed loose skin and some fat deposits in her abdomen and flank areas. She sought cosmetic improvement. She underwent a mommy make over which generally is a procedure designed to overcome the consequences of pregnancy including loose skin and diastases rectus of the abdomen, breast changes including volume loss ( involutional hypoplasia) as well as sagging( breast ptosis). During this procedure she underwent Vaser liposuction to the flanks and abdomen and inner thighs. She had a vertical or lollipop type mastopexy breast lift with placement of Mentor moderate plus smooth walled submuscular breast implants ( 325 cc). These were placed with a Keller funnel which is designed to minimize contamination of the implant and may reduce capsular contracture. During her surgery she had Exparel injected during the abdominoplasty which minimized her pain and allowed this to be an outpatient procedure. Her recovery took several weeks to get back to normal day-to-day activity and approximately 6 weeks before she was able to resume more vigorous exercise. She was quite pleased with her outcome with fuller, perkier breasts and a nice flat abdomen. Mommy make over is recommended after You have completed your planned pregnancies. It can be performed as an outpatient surgery provided her health is very good and is well tolerated.

Mommy Makeover, Raleigh, NC



Mommy Makeover, Raleigh, NC



Mommy Makeover, Raleigh, NC



Mommy Makeover, Raleigh, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.