Lower Body Lift Provides Buttock Lift with Excellent Results in Raleigh, NC
- Age50 - 59
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityBlack
- Height5’ 0” - 5’ 5”
- Weight200 - 249 lbs
- Lower Body Lift
- abdominoplasty
- After Bariatric Surgery
- Body Lift 360
- Body Reshaping
- Body Lift
- Belt Lipectomy
- Bodylift
- belt dermatolipectomy
- Back Liposuction
- After Weight Loss Surgery
- body contouring
- bariatric surgery
- board certified plastic surgeo
- body contouring specialist
- tummy tuck specialist
- buttock lift
- butt lift
- circumferential abdominoplasty
- 360 tummy tuck
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When people search for Brazilian butt lift surgeons, they are hoping to have liposuction and fat transfer to achieve a larger more shapely buttock. While that procedure is the most common and popular way to achieve a buttock lift, there are other procedures to achieve a similar result. A formal buttock lift is a surgical procedure which involves removal of excess skin and elevation of the loose skin of the buttock or in some cases removal of excess tissue that is obscuring the normal buttock shape. A lower body lift which is also called Belt lipectomy or circumferential abdominoplasty or even 360° abdominoplasty often achieves a nice improvement with the buttock shape if the anatomy is appropriate. Many patients with weight loss surgery require excisional procedures to elevate the buttock and fat transfer will not be effective. This 52-year-old woman had previous bariatric procedure but she was never able to achieve a body mass index below 35. She described herself is full figured and did not really want to use weight loss drugs or more surgery to lose the weight. She wanted improvements in her abdomen and buttock shape and had a large shelf of excess skin and fat above her buttock which obscured her normal buttock shape. Dr. Lyle performed a circumferential abdominoplasty with liposuction. Between liposuction and direct excision she had almost 18 pounds of tissue removed. The result was a much better looking buttock and abdomen.