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Fat Transfer to Breasts with Unilateral Mastopexy Improves Symmetry, Raleigh*

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This is a 25-year-old woman who wanted more even-appearing breasts with perhaps a slight amount of increased fullness. She did not want breast implants and was generally pleased with the size of her breasts just wanted better symmetry. She underwent liposuction of the abdomen and flanks and transfer of some fat to both breasts but more on the right which was somewhat smaller. She had a peri-areolar mastopexy on the left side to improve symmetry. A peri-areolar mastopexy restricts the scarring to the areola only with no vertical or horizontal scars on the breast skin. It has limited utility for minor degrees of asymmetry. It is useful for improving areola symmetry with slight lifting effect. Fat transfer to the breasts is a useful technique however rarely provides the same sort of results that breast augmentation would. Fat has to be delivered throughout the breast rather than in 1 location as a breast implant does. Overly aggressive fat transfer can lead to complications such as oil cysts, fat necrosis, abnormal calcifications and abnormal mammograms so specialized techniques are necessary to limit these potential problems. This patient had approximately 300 cc delivered to the right breast and 170 cc to the left breast to obtain better symmetry. There is some expected resorption of the fat transferred to the breast and appears to be even more variable than the fat viability expected with fat transfer to the buttock.

Fat transfer to Breast, NC



Fat transfer to Breast, NC



Fat transfer to Breast, NC



Fat transfer to Breast, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.