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Vertical Mastopexy with Fat Grafting to Breasts, Raleigh,NC*

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This is a 43-year-old woman who developed drooping and lost volume in her breasts after pregnancies. She wanted reshaping of her breasts and a little bit more fullness although not necessarily a breast implant. She had areas that she desired liposuction on, so she underwent a mastopexy with some fat grafting to her breasts. She had a vertical technique with a short horizontal scar and placement of 150 cc of fat in each breast. She was happy with her volume and did not have to worry about an implant. Fat transfer to the breast can be done to improve shape and can be done as an adjunct to a mastopexy or after breast implant removal. It rarely provides enough volume to substitute for the effect of a breast implant but is a useful technique to help shape the breast. Special care in delivery of the fat must be taken to avoid potential for interference with mammography, scarring, cyst formation and increased calcifications. The patient benefited not only from the liposuction but also from the moderate enhancement that the fat provided. FAT transfer rarely provides the same volume as a larger breast implant but in many cases may help to avoid the use of a breast implant.

Fat Transfer, Raleigh, NC



Fat Transfer, Raleigh, NC



Fat Transfer, Raleigh, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.