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Staged Abdominoplasty with BBL in Raleigh,NC

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Many women desire tummy tuck done simultaneous with fat transfer to the buttock. This is a feasible operation but there are limitations. Ideal recovery from BBL is done with avoidance of pressure on the buttock while abdominoplasty requires postoperative positioning that prevents that. This 40-year-old woman desired abdominoplasty and liposuction. She also desired improvement in her buttock. Because her BMI exceeded 30, Dr. Lyle recommended a staged procedure. She had initial abdominoplasty with liposuction of the flanks with significant improvement. She then got her weight below BMI of 30 and was therefore able to have a prone positioning procedure in Dr. Lyle's office with liposuction of the flanks and back with fat grafting to the buttock. Her initial procedure had placement of 500 cc per buttock. She was happy with the outcome but desired some additional improvement. After recovery she underwent some touchup liposuction with the Vaser device which was done with local anesthesia with Pronox-a nitrous oxide gas that eases the pain of local anesthetic placement. Her touchup procedure added at additional 200 cc per buttock which gave her a nice rounded shape buttock that she was seeking. Optimal results with fat transfer to the buttock sometimes requires additional procedures to achieve the desired results. Staged procedures are especially recommended for patients desiring abdominoplasty. Although they can be combined, expectations have to be tempered.

BBL, Raleigh, NC



BBL, Raleigh, NC



BBL, Raleigh, NC



BBL, Raleigh, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.