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What is a Buttock Lift? Fat Grafting to the Buttock in Raleigh, North Carolina*

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This 21 year old woman wanted improvements in buttock shape without significant enlargement. She felt that her flanks were wider than her buttock, so she sought improvement with liposuction. 3 liters of liposuction was performed from her abdomen and flanks and fat grafted to her buttock. She now feels more shapely without feeling like her buttock is 'big'- just shapelier. The term Brazilian Buttock Lift refers to liposuction and placement of the liposuctioned fat into the buttock. Increased fullness is what "lifts" the buttock. There are also formal buttock lifts which involve removal of skin above the buttock area with an excisional approach and elevating the sagging and loose skin of buttocks. This is more often suitable for weight loss patients or patients with significant aging effects. A buttock lift is also incorporated frequently with a circumferential abdominoplasty or lower body lift.

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Fat Transfer Raleigh, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.