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Huge Improvement with Body Contouring Surgery in Raleigh, NC*

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This 43 year old woman had undergone a duodenal switch and lost over 150 lbs. She sought improvement in her abdomen and breasts as her initial top priorities - with arms and thighs planned for future operations. Dr Lyle performed a Fleur de Lis circumferential abdominoplasty and extended breast lift. She had a major improvement in her contour with many rolls of excess skin removed. In many situations, patients will have many excess folds of loose skin that can't all be addressed in one setting. Staging of procedures is often recommended as the magnitude of surgery and recovery can be prohibitive. This patient had a fairly uneventful recovery and now feels much more comfortable in her clothing and with her transformed physique.

Post Bariatric Contouring, NC



Post Bariatric Contouring, NC



Post Bariatric Contouring, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.