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Explantation Regret- Re-augmentation Remains an Option for Unhappy Patients, NC*

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Breast implant removal has become a more popular procedure. Many women no longer wish to have breast implants because they have gained weight and they feel too large. In many of these cases implant removal and breast lifting may be necessary. Other common reasons for explantation include implant related problems like capsular contracture or breast implant leakage, breast implant illness or concerns about BI-ALCL. The majority of women choosing explantation are happy with their choice and are relieved to have their implants removed. However, the appearance of the chest after explantation is often not ideal and many women are disappointed with the outcome. Explantation regret refers to that population who are unhappy with their appearance and wish to have their breast implants back. In some cases, fat transfer may be helpful but, in many situations, breast replacement maybe desired. Replacement of breast implants after explantation is not always straightforward as the previous explantation usually involved removal of capsule, alteration of the muscle and possibly additional thinning and scarring. This 33-year-old patient had an underlying fear of possible breast implant illness and underwent removal. She ultimately was unhappy with her appearance. Her underlying health issues turned out to be caused by something unrelated to the implants. She underwent re-augmentation with silicone gel breast implants placed under the muscle and was quite pleased with her result.

Re-Augmentation, Raleigh, NC



Re-Augmentation, Raleigh, NC



Re-Augmentation, Raleigh, NC



Re-Augmentation, Raleigh, NC



Re-Augmentation, Raleigh, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.