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Breast Implant Removal and Lift Before and After in North Carolina

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This 57-year-old woman had prior augmentation mastopexy approximately 14 years ago. She had some wound healing problems with her left breast incision. Over the years, after going through menopause, she gained over 30 pounds and now felt like her breasts were too large. She saw Dr. Lyle who recommended implant removal and re do mastopexy. Because she thought she might be too small post op, she was advised to have some fat transfer to the breasts. Important factors to consider during explantation and mastopexy . 1. Where will the blood supply to the nipple come from? Especially with a patient with prior breast lift. It is helpful to have a prior operative note. Also, subglandular implants may be associated with less blood supply to the nipple than subpectoral devices. Experienced plastic surgeons always take this into account. 2. Are the implants ruptured or contracted? If so, a capsulectomy is often necessary which may reduce the success of fat transfer and make the procedure more complicated. Sometimes a drainage tube is necessary depending on the extent of capsulectomy performed. 3. Will the breast volume be sufficient without the implant? If not, fat transfer can be considered however fat transfer almost never achieves the same volume as an implant. When considering breast implant removal and breast lifting be sure to consult with an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Glenn Lyle at Lyle Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Center.

Explant and Mastopexy NC



Explant and Mastopexy NC



Explant and Mastopexy NC



Explant and Mastopexy NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.