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Upper Blepharoplasty is a Powerful Procedure

By: Dr. Glenn Lyle


#before and after eyes

post op after blepharoplasty

Upper blepharoplasty is a relatively straightforward procedure that can have a huge impact on facial appearance.  With aging, patients develop some loose skin of the upper eyelids and sometimes the skin rests on the eyelashes.  This gives an aged appearance and often makes patients look tired. The procedure, which can be done with local anesthesia only in some cases, involves removing a crescent of excess skin of the upper eyelid and often removal of some protruding fat.  It is often done in combination with other facial surgery such as facelifting but is a very effective procedure when done by itself.  The scars are usually minimally noticeable, and they can be hidden in the natural creases of the eyelid. More advanced procedures can be done in conjunction with this procedure such as eyelid drooping (Ptosis) repair, internal brow lifting and even fat transfer.  In general,  plastic surgeons have gone a bit more conservative with this procedure to avoid the overly operated appearance.

Recovery is about 1 week, and sutures are usually removed at that time frame.  You can start wearing makeup in about 2 weeks.  Most patients report looking refreshed rather than having had a cosmetic surgery procedure. Friends and family frequently cannot detect the telltale signs of surgery after a few weeks.  It is perhaps one of the single most powerful cosmetic procedures performed on the face.

Dr. Glenn Lyle

About Dr Lyle - Plastic Surgeon in Raleigh NC

Dr. Glenn Lyle is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Raleigh, NC community at Lyle Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics Center since 2002. With over 30 years of experience, he specializes in breast surgery and body contouring, to enhance patients' appearance after weight loss, pregnancy, and aging. 

Dr. Lyle completed his medical degree at Wayne State University School of Medicine, followed by a general surgery residency at the University of Massachusetts and a plastic surgery residency at the University of Texas Medical Branch. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. 

Throughout his career, Dr. Lyle has contributed to the field through research, publications, and presentations at national meetings. His practice emphasizes patient safety and personalized care to achieve natural results.

Next Steps

If you’re considering a breast implant removal surgery in Raleigh, NC, and want personalized advice about your suitability, recovery, risks and results, I’d be happy to meet with you for a consultation. Let’s work together to help you achieve your best results—safely and beautifully.

To book a consultation please fill in the contact form or phone the office on 919 307 85 85.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.