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Breast Asymmetry and Tubular Breast Deformity Treated with Mastopexy

By: Dr. Glenn Lyle


Postop after mastopexy

This image is early postop after mastopexy to correct asymmetry for a tuberous breast deformity. Note the scars are still healing. The patient just

Breast asymmetry is very common, affecting over 50% of women.  This can be as subtle as just a slight amount of volume difference or perhaps the nipple position being lower on one side. The condition can also involve marked asymmetry with underdevelopment of one breast compared to the other or significant shape changes.  Tuberous breast deformity is a congenital condition with wide variations in degree of severity.  It consists of constricted or tight breast base, hypoplasia or small breast development with lack of adequate inferior skin and sometimes protuberance of breast tissue through the areola also called herniation.  It has 3 classifications.  Type I involves relatively mild lack of volume and some degree of tightness in the lower inner aspect of the breast, type II with inadequate tissue in both the lower quadrants of the breast and constriction and then type III which is severe breast constriction and small breasts.

Treatment may involve mastopexy or breast lifting, breast augmentation and sometimes breast reduction.  In severe cases reconstructive efforts such as tissue expanders are necessary.  This is not the same condition as Poland's syndrome where under development of the pectoralis muscle is associated with lack of development of the breast.

The condition typically is apparent after puberty and with growth, can become worse.

This 18-year-old woman had noted the asymmetry of her breasts since puberty and became very self-conscious as it was impossible to hide in clothing or bathing suits.  She had a type II deformity with the left side being smaller than the right.  She did not want breast augmentation and just wanted more even-appearing breasts. She consulted with Dr. Glenn Lyle in Raleigh, NC.  She underwent bilateral mastopexy with small amount of removal of the right side to obtain better symmetry.  She was very happy with the improvement and now could wear normal clothes including bathing suits without embarrassment.

Tuberous breasts deformity also called tubular breast is not a covered procedure with insurance companies and is considered an out-of-pocket cosmetic procedure.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.