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My Ellevate® in Male Patient: Effective to Improve Contour of Jawline Raleigh

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The My Ellevate® procedure involves minimally invasive surgery utilizing a combination of liposuction, tight and an internal suture to create better contour in the neck without a formal neck lift. This is not a replacement for a neck lift and an open neck lift is necessary for people with significant contour deformities. The My Elevate® procedure is for patients not quite ready for surgery and appropriate candidates usually have very little loose skin and some subcutaneous fat excess. In almost all cases, the full appearance of the neck can be related to fat below the platysma muscle as well as enlarged or unsupported salivary glands and even separation of the platysma muscle. During an open neck lift these are all addressed but they cannot be adequately treated with minimally invasive procedures because of the location of blood vessels and nerves. With a minimally invasive neck lift, small incisions are made under the chin and under the earlobe area and liposuction frequently is performed to remove some of the fat above the muscle. The suture suspension is designed to elevate some of the laxity of the muscle and support some of the drooping submandibular glands. In some cases the platysmal bands can be weakened by partially transecting them percutaneously. Energy based devices such as Renuvion (J Plasma), FaceTite and other devices are often performed during the same procedure to improve skin tightness. This procedure involves less downtime

MY Ellevate Raleigh, NC



MY Ellevate Raleigh, NC



MY Ellevate Raleigh, NC



MY Ellevate Raleigh, NC



MY Ellevate Raleigh, NC



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