Oncoplastic reduction with Excision of Axillary Breasts, North Carolina
- Age40 - 49
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityBlack
- Height5’ 6” - 6’ 0”
- Weight200 - 249 lbs
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Many women with breast enlargement also have a condition known as axillary breast tissue where there is redundant soft tissue often with breast and fatty tissue present in the upper lateral breast near the armpit fold. Breast reduction will make the breasts smaller and sometimes accentuates the appearance of this redundant tissue so removal during breast reduction is often beneficial. This patient actually had a left breast cancer and underwent lumpectomy during the performance of bilateral breast reduction. This is a procedure known as oncoplastic breast reduction. It involves the coordination of a breast surgeon who completes the lumpectomy and the plastic surgeon performs the reduction. This is not as straightforward as a regular reduction as the blood supply or pedicle that supports the nipple is not always predictable and thus requires extensive knowledge of a variety of breast reduction techniques to be successful. This patient also had bilateral axillary breast tissue removed. She has now completed radiation which is present on the left breast and has left her with slight pigmentation changes. The redundant skin of the axillary area has been markedly improved