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Abdominoplasty with Prior Vertical Scar, Raleigh, North Carolina*

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This 45-year-old woman had undergone prior abdominal surgery with previous gastric stapling and also previous colon surgery. She did have a midline vertical scar but did not have appreciable vertical excess that would necessitate a Fleur-de-lis type abdominoplasty. The patient underwent full abdominoplasty with some liposuction of the flanks but did not have skin excess removed centrally. Her postoperative result reveals excellent improvement in contour of her abdomen. She still has a vertical midline scar but it is barely appreciable. The patient utilizes tanning beds frequently and Dr. Lyle has found that with the appropriate skin types,surgical scarring after exposure in a tanning bed or sun tanning usually is excellent. This is similar to utilization of lasers or IPL to improve scars. Certainly precautions to avoid significant sun damage should be taken such as the use of SPF lotions.

Abdominoplasty, Raleigh, NC



Abdominoplasty, Raleigh, NC



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.